in a new production building with office and laboratory area As a provider of customised solutions and products, this Adenso investment in an innovative production environment is a further step for servicing all customer requirements in the future too. An area of around 1,500sqm therefore includes:
Adenso thanks all participants and partners for the great realisation of our new industry 4.0 home Modular shed floor X9 for loads up to 6.5t Beutlhauser/Linde Electrical lifting technology – low-noise and floor-compatible interior design: Interior designer Judith Scholz Master painter/decorator: Mike Mittentzwei, Dresden IT network: TELETEK GmbH Dresden Electrical installations: Kreller, Dresden
- cleanroom for precision part assembly (WaferHandlingRobot and special customised assemblies, …)
- incoming goods/shipping with high-bay store and air lock function
- preassembly with separation to the
- assembly area for assembly and tool assembly, startup, finalisation
- workshop also air lock-separated
- laboratory, server and plant rooms as well as flexibly usable
- offices in the dry walling part of the new Adenso production shed

Adenso thanks all participants and partners for the great realisation of our new industry 4.0 home Modular shed floor X9 for loads up to 6.5t Beutlhauser/Linde Electrical lifting technology – low-noise and floor-compatible interior design: Interior designer Judith Scholz Master painter/decorator: Mike Mittentzwei, Dresden IT network: TELETEK GmbH Dresden Electrical installations: Kreller, Dresden