The new system platform for processing ultra thin glass (UTG) for flexible electronics was the centre of attention for Saxony’s Minister for Economic Affairs, Martin Dulig, at Adenso’s booth at the trade fair
Flexible, rollable glass as the new carrier substrate for applications such as flexible and robust sensors – e.g. for direct use in battery cells for increasing efficiency and durability – this was the topic of interest of Saxony’s Minister of Economic Affairs, Martin Dulig, when he visited Adenso’s booth. The minister was impressed with the progress in innovation, the amount of competence Saxony has to offer and the commitment with which fresh ground is broken.
“After conducting numerous test series, we managed to overcome the challenge of handling ultra thin glass with a roll system (R2R),”
explained Uwe Beier, CEO of Dresden-based Adenso GmbH. “We summarised all our findings in a compact process module and are providing the market with a system platform (OEM) on which the processes for this new substrate (UTG) can be developed,” Beier continued.
Your contact person and expert at Adenso:
Uwe Beier, CEO
phone +49 351 79 59 79 7-0