on the advantages of ultra thin glass for flexible electronics at Adenso’s booth
Ultra thin glass is now available as a new substrate from the roll (R2R) and offer numerous advantages as compared to plastic and metal foil. For example, they are hermetically sealed against moisture and oxygen, feature high chemical resistance, excellent optical properties and high surface stability. Feder Minister Johanna Wanka visited Adenso’s booth to get information on this innovative substrate and was impressed with the scientific curiosity and the willingness of Saxon companies to take risks, to accept the challenges and their determination to search for new solutions. Flexible, rollable glass as the new carrier substrate for applications such as flexible and robust sensors – e.g. for direct use in battery cells for increasing efficiency and durability – this was the topic of interest of Saxony’s Minister of Economic Affairs, Martin Dulig, when he visited Adenso’s booth. The minister was impressed with the progress in innovation, the amount of competence Saxony has to offer and the commitment with which fresh ground is broken.
“We are determined to use the advantages of this new substrate to open up completely new applications,”
“We are determined to use the advantages of this new substrate to open up completely new applications,” “The vision of the Internet of Everything (IoE) is becoming tangible, an all-encompassing relality,” Beier continued. Engineers from Adenso presented the flexible process module FPM330X in Hall 2, Research & Technology, at the HMI Hannover Messe International – the world’s leading industry trade fair – from 24 to 28 April 2017.
Your contact person and expert at Adenso:
Uwe Beier, CEO
phone +49 351 79 59 79 7-0